
for the love of chocolate

Green & Black’s hosts recipe contest February 28, 2008

Filed under: news,recipes — cacaobug @ 8:34 pm
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I just received word that Green & Black’s is sponsoring a recipe contest. They’re looking for original recipes that have a maximum of five ingredients and use at least two ounces of Green & Black’s chocolate. Winners travel free to New York for a cooking session with Curtis Stone. In addition, for each valid entry:

Green & Black’s will build on its existing relationship with the Toledo Cacao Growers’ Association in Belize by supplying the members of its cooperative with funds to plant and grow to maturity one hardwood tree. These hardwood trees, as part of a reinvestment in the indigenous rainforest, will help provide the necessary shade to shelter the farmers’ cocoa trees and allow them to thrive, providing them with greater economic opportunities.

Sounds like a win-win to me! The contest ends April 21, 2008. For more information, see Green & Black’s Chocolate Challenge Recipe Contest.